Monday will be French Day for the whole school which is particularly good for Primary 2a as our topic this term is France. To help the school celebrate, Primary 2a will be running a special French tuck shop for Primary … Continue reading
Day: June 19, 2019
Health week: Day 3
Today we made fruit kebabs with the kitchen staff and talked about the importance of eating 5 portions of fruit and vegetables every day.
June 19, 2019
by Mr McKenna
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Reading and library books
Can children in Primary 2, please ensure that they have returned all reading and library books to school no later that Monday 24th June. This would help us greatly in preparing for classes next year. Thank you!
June 19, 2019
by Mr McKenna
Comments Off on Health week: Day 2
Health week: Day 2
This morning we joined a very energetic dance sessions and created some posters on the importance of personal hygiene.