Well done to the children in Primary 2 that performed at the Robert Burns’ assembly this week. We had a variety of acts such poetry recital, singing and Scottish Highland dancing.
Month: January 2019
Today the children were introduced to Rekenreks. Rekenrek, or arithmetic rack, was designed by Adrian Treffers, a mathematics curriculum researcher at the Freudenthal Institute in Holland, to support the natural development of number sense in children. Smaller versions consist of … Continue reading
Whole School Homework – Health and Well-being
This week’s Whole school homework focuses on Health and Well-being. Health and Wellbeing Family Learning Activity With the help of their families, children should complete one task from each colour representing different aspects of Health and Well-being. Click the links below … Continue reading
Golden time: Rabbie Burns
In celebration of Burns’ Night, the children made lots of Scottish related arts and crafts. Scottish animals. Tartan weaving. Thistle collage.
Categories and sorting
Following on from sorting Living and Non-living things, the children have been challenging themselves by coming up with their own categories. (I tried to test the children by putting the photos into the wrong categories. They spotted the mistake instantly!) … Continue reading
This week, some of the children have been learning about time. In particular, we have been learning to read o’clock and half past on an analogue clock. To help us, we have constructed our own clock and have used meter … Continue reading
Alphabetical order
This week’s Grammar lesson was on alphabetical order, so we decided to create our own alphabet to display on our Literacy and English wall. Everyone was given a piece of card with a letter on it and through the use … Continue reading
Baptism of Jesus
Over the last few weeks, we have been celebrating the Baptism of Jesus by his cousin John the Baptism in the River Jordan. This has lead into a discussion about our own baptisms when we are welcomed into Jesus’ family … Continue reading
Adverse weather
Please note the following instructions regarding Adverse Weather: Adverse Weather In the past, we have had severe disruption as a result of bad weather around this time last year. In the event of a similar situation arising this winter we … Continue reading

January 22, 2019
by Mr McKenna
Comments Off on Whole School Homework – First Minister’s Reading Challenge
Whole School Homework – First Minister’s Reading Challenge
This week the whole school homework will be focusing on the First Minister’s Reading Challenge. The blue booklets were handed out in Aug/Sept and Primary 2 should find their booklets in their orange homework folders. This week’s whole school homework … Continue reading