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Solo Talk – Rainforest Homework

Solo Talk

Primary 3’s topic this term is ‘The Rainforest’. We have learned lots about the rainforest so far and have really enjoyed it. We have learned that the rainforest has 4 layers and have looked a bit further into the living things that can be found in each of these layers.

At the end of March the boys and girls in P3 will be delivering a solo talk about an animal that lives in the rainforest. Over the next 2 weeks part of the pupils homework will be to create a presentation about their chosen animal. This presentation can be in the form of a poster, poem, powerpoint, video or song… you choose! They will then present their findings to the rest of the class.

We would ask that if pupils are using digital technologies to create their presentation that they save it onto their google drive once complete in order for it to be shown in school. This can be accessed through their glow log in.

Can all pupils bring their finished presentations in by Friday 22nd March.

If you need any materials or have any questions about the solo talk please ask Miss Queen 🙂

Image result for rainforest clip art

Fairtrade Fortnight

Fairtrade Fortnight begins on Monday 25th February and finishes on March 10th.

All pupils have been provided a homework task for this week.

P1 – P3 have a Fairtrade Passport.

P4-5  are to design a Fairtrade chocolate bar.

P6-7 are to create a 3D Fairtrade chocolate box.

The Fairtrade Committee will be presenting at an assembly the following week.

Finally Primary 2 will be hosting a Fairtrade coffee morning on the 8th March at 10am. Everyone is welcome to attend and we would be very grateful for any baking on this date.


Miss Mckay, P2 and the Fairtrade Committee




Coffee and Chat

Hi All!

Just a little reminder that there is a coffee and chat for P3 parents/carers on Wednesday morning in the school’s family room from 09:15-10:00.

We are going to be discussing digital technologies used for homework and children’s solo talks on the rain forest which will be coming up towards the end of term!

We look forward to seeing you then 🙂

Miss Queen and Miss McFlynn x

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