Category Archives: P3

Sports Day!

P3b didn’t let the rain spoil their fun! We throughly enjoyed our indoor races, here are some videos for you to watch 🙂

Sharing the Learning Assembly

Tomorrow P3a and b are sharing their learning about the Rainforest with the whole school at assembly.

The assembly will begin at 9.10 for anyone who is available to attend 🙂

The children have been practicing hard and can’t wait to show off their fantastic learning tomorrow!


Homework Week Beginning 11/03/2019




The moon’s spelling rule for this week is ‘er’ words.


All children have been issued with a new reading book this week. Children should read this book every night with an adult.

Numeracy homework this week is on Sumdog. This is an online programme where pupils play different games relating to maths to earn points. All pupils have been issued with their sumdog username and password, however, please ask if they have lost this.

This week East Renfrewshire is running a competition on Sumdog and the winning class will receive a 6 month subscription to the full online programme. Last competition P5a won. Lets see if P3b can be the winners this time!

Social Studies 

Preparation of solo talk. See blog post below.

Whole School Homework

This week the whole school homework will be focusing on the First Minister’s Reading Challenge. The blue booklets were handed out in Term 1 and Primary 3 should find their booklets in their orange homework folders.  This week’s whole school homework is to ensure they are up to date and reflect your child’s most recent read books.  We will be looking at the booklets in class this Friday.

There is also some suggestions of ways to engage your child in reading out side of school.

Talking and Listening Homework

All of the classes in St Mark’s Primary have a Class Blog to showcase their learning.  Please click on the link below to access your child’s Class Blog.

The ABCS of Listening and Talking

abcs of talk

Please use the ABCS of Listening and Talking to discuss your child’s blog.

Please complete the Form below to provide us with feedback.

French Homework

Bonjour tout le monde!

This week the boys and girls have been assigned French homework on Education City to complete.

The children have their Education City login details glues to the back on their homework jotters 🙂

Merci, Mademoiselle Queen x

Image result for french flag

Successes and Achievements Homework

This week P3b have been given a talking and listening piece of homework to complete, to discuss their successes and achievements both inside and outside of school with their families. 

I hope you have a great time sharing all of the fantastic things you have accomplished so far!

Miss Queen x