Primary 7 had a great time looking at features of newspaper reports. They had a lot of fun writing a headline and introductory paragraph including the 5Ws based upon fairy tales.
Primary 7 had a great time looking at features of newspaper reports. They had a lot of fun writing a headline and introductory paragraph including the 5Ws based upon fairy tales.
This week the whole school homework will be focusing on the First Minister’s Reading Challenge. The blue booklets were handed out in Term 1 and Primary 3 should find their booklets in their orange homework folders. This week’s whole school homework is to ensure they are up to date and reflect your child’s most recent read books. We will be looking at the booklets in class this Friday.
There is also some suggestions of ways to engage your child in reading out side of school.
Read, Write, Count Primary 3 bags
In November Primary 3 visited the Foundry, where they received yellow bags with 3 reading books, numeracy games and a note pad.
Please let us know what you thought by filling out the Parent survey:
The prize draw for parents is a personal Read Write Count GOODIE BAG filled with books, games and activities for all the family to enjoy.
The deadline to complete this is Monday 4 March 2019.
All of the classes in St Mark’s Primary have a Class Blog to showcase their learning. Please click on the link below to access your child’s Class Blog.
The ABCS of Listening and Talking
Please use the ABCS of Listening and Talking to discuss your child’s blog.
Please complete the Form below to provide us with feedback.