All posts by gw20brewjessica@glow

Term 1

Outdoor Classroom Day

In maths, P5b have been learning about functions machines.

As part of Outdoor Classroom Day, we decided to spend the afternoon outdoors, collecting material and using chalk to make our own functions machines!

Laudato Si

Pope Francis has given us the message to look after our common home. To encourage others to help us look after our world, we created posters to ask others to reduce, recycle and reuse. Have a look below at the excellent posters that were created!


P5b have been identifying symmetrical patterns and shapes in the natural environment.

Maths Week!





Number Lines

P5b have been using number lines as a strategy to add and subtract four digit numbers. As part of our outdoor learning, we practised our number lines using chalk. Have a look below!

Give your child a calculation and ask them to use a number line to calculate the answer.


First Holy Communion

Well done to the boys and girls who have recently made their First Holy Communion. We are all so proud of you!

The pupils have been looking at ‘One Point perspective’ with Mrs MacIntrye in Art. Stay tuned to see the final products!

We have been looking at improving our fitness during P.E. We set up stations, completing different exercises at each.

We have been enjoying music with Mrs Carey every second Thursday online.