Solo Talk

Primary 3’s topic this term is ‘The Rainforest’. We have learned lots about the rainforest so far and have really enjoyed it. We have learned that the rainforest has 4 layers and have looked a bit further into the living things that can be found in each of these layers.

At the end of March the boys and girls in P3 will be delivering a solo talk about an animal that lives in the rainforest. Over the next 2 weeks part of the pupils homework will be to create a presentation about their chosen animal. This presentation can be in the form of a poster, poem, powerpoint, video or song… you choose! They will then present their findings to the rest of the class.

We would ask that if pupils are using digital technologies to create their presentation that they save it onto their google drive once complete in order for it to be shown in school. This can be accessed through their glow log in.

Can all pupils bring their finished presentations in by Friday 22nd March.

If you need any materials or have any questions about the solo talk please ask Miss McFlynn 🙂

Image result for rainforest clip art

Homework WB 4th March

T-Rex’s and Triceratops LI: ‘or’ words – spelling list number 22.
Pterodactyls L.I: ‘or’ words – Spelling list number 29.

Please use SACAWAC to write each word 3 times. Children should then use the activity guide at the front of their jotters to see which activity to complete each day.


All children have been issued with a new reading book this week. Children should read this book every night with an adult. Please use the reading marker for ideas of activties you can do with your child when reading.

Numeracy homework has been issued on Education City. All children should have their log ins for this in the back of their jotters or in their folders.

Successes and Achievements 

Pupils have been issued with whole school homework this week. This week pupils have to discuss their successes and achievements. All pupils have been issued with a sheet to record this information on.

If there are any issues please contatct Miss McFlynn 🙂

HW WB 25/2/19


T-Rex’s and Triceratops LI: ‘ou’ words – spelling list number 21.
Pterodactyls L.I: ‘oy’ words – Spelling list number 28.

Please use SACAWAC to write each word 3 times. Children should then use the activity guide at the front of their jotters to see which activity to complete each day.

All children have been issued with a new reading book this week. Children should read this book every night with an adult. Please use the reading marker for ideas of activties you can do with your child when reading.

Numeracy homework has been issued on Education City. All children should have their log ins for this in the back of their jotters or in their folders.

Along with this homework P3 also have Fairtrade Homework to complete (see post below).

If there are any issues please contatct Miss McFlynn 🙂


Coffee and Chat

Hi All!

Just a little reminder that there is a coffee and chat for P3 parents/carers on Wednesday morning in the school’s family room from 09:15-10:00.

We are going to be discussing digital technologies used for homework and children’s solo talks on the rainforest which will be coming up towards the end of term!

We look forward to seeing you then 🙂

Miss Queen and Miss McFlynn x

See the source image

HW WB 18/02/19


T-Rex’s and Triceratops LI: ‘oi’ words – spelling list number 20.
Pterodactyls L.I: ‘oi’ words – Spelling list number 27.

Please use SACAWAC to write each word 3 times. Children should then use the activity guide at the front of their jotters to see which activity to complete each day.


All children have been issued with a new reading book this week. Children should read this book every night with an adult. Please use the reading marker for ideas of activties you can do with your child when reading.


Numeracy homework has been issued on Education City. All children should have their log ins for this in the back of their jotters or in their folders.

If there are any issues please contatct Miss McFlynn 🙂

HW WE 15/2/19


As it is a short week this week the children have been given the same words from last week to practice in preparation for our assessment on Friday. They can practice these by writing them in their jotters or verbally.

T-Rex’s & Triceratops L.I: ‘er’ words – spelling list 19.

  • drip
  • plug
  • third
  • winter
  • bird
  • over
  • hurt
  • butterfly
  • thirty
  • forty

Pterodactyls L.I: ‘ow’ words – spelling list 26.

  • big
  • fox
  • milk
  • how
  • owl
  • brown
  • town
  • could
  • should
  • flowerpot


For numeracy this week primary 3a should practice the 3, 5 and 10 times tables. There have been tasks assigned on Education City for this.

Any issues please speak to Miss McFlynn 🙂

Homework WB 4/2/19


T-Rex’s and Triceratops LI: ‘er’ words – spelling list number 19.

Ptersodactyls L.I: ‘ow’ words –  Spelling list number 26.

Please use SACAWAC to write each word 3 times. Children should then use the activity guide at the front of their jotters to see which activity to complete each day.


Numeracy homework has been issued on Education City. All children should have their log ins for this in the back of their jotters or in their folders.

If there are any issues please contatct Miss McFlynn 🙂


Homework WB 28/01/19

Whole School Homework 

Whole school homework this week follows the theme of Health and Wellbeing. Attached is a grid with a wide range of activities that can be completed over the course of the week. Each of the activities falls under a specific category. The class will given time on Friday to discuss the activities they completed over the week.

Health and Wellbeing Family Learning Activity

Reading, Spelling and Numeracy

Along with whole school homework the class have reading, spelling and numeracy homework. The spelling rule this week for the triceratops and t-rex’s is the ‘k’ sound. The spelling rule for the pterodactyls this week is the ‘ou’ sound. All spelling words can be found on their spelling list. Every pupil in the class has also been issued with a new word wall. Pupils should practice these words by reading them aloud and spelling them aloud.

Numeracy this week can be found on Education City. All tasks should be completed by Friday. If there are any problems accessing this at home then pupils can attend our Early Bird Club where chrome books are available to complete these tasks. The Early Bird Club is completely free and opened from 8am every day.


Miss McFlynn 🙂

Homework WB 21/01/19

This weeks whole school homework focuses on the First Ministers Reading Challenge. P3’s little blue books will be sent out this week and should be updated with any new books they have read. Along with these books the children have also been challenged to completing as many reading challenges as they can this week. Below are some of the activities you can do:

FMRC Homework Task

Along with this whole school homework Primary 3 have spelling, reading and numeracy homework to complete this week. The spelling rule this week is ‘ue’ and a list of the words can be found in their homework folders.

Maths homework this week has to be completed through Education City. All of the children have been assigned 4 tasks to complete. Education City can be accessed through any device that can connect to the internet. All children have a copy of their log in either in their bags or glued to the back of their homework jotter.

If there are any issues accessing this please speak to Miss McFlynn 🙂

Homework W.B 17/12/18

All of the classes in St Mark’s Primary have a Class Blog to showcase their learning.  This week Primary 3’s homework is to share their class blog with their family and friends at home.

Please use the ABCS of Listening and Talking to discuss your child’s blog. Once completed please fill in the Form below to provide us with feedback.

To complete the form you must log in by using your child’s glow username  and password with ‘’ at the end of the username. The boys and girls will know their log in. For example:


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