Scottish Assembly

This week, Wednesday 30th January, the whole school will be hosting a Scottish Assembly. Primary 3a & b will be singing ‘Ye Cannae Shove Yer Grannie Aff a Bus’. Our assembly starts at 2pm and we would love it as many of our families and friends could come at watch us!

Below is a copy of the words to the song if you wish to practice at home tonight and tomorrow night.

Ye canny shove yer grannie aff a bus


Primary 3, Miss McFlynn and Miss Queen 🙂


Homework WB 28/01/19

Whole School Homework 

Whole school homework this week follows the theme of Health and Wellbeing. Attached is a grid with a wide range of activities that can be completed over the course of the week. Each of the activities falls under a specific category. The class will given time on Friday to discuss the activities they completed over the week.

Health and Wellbeing Family Learning Activity

Reading, Spelling and Numeracy

Along with whole school homework the class have reading, spelling and numeracy homework. The spelling rule this week for the triceratops and t-rex’s is the ‘k’ sound. The spelling rule for the pterodactyls this week is the ‘ou’ sound. All spelling words can be found on their spelling list. Every pupil in the class has also been issued with a new word wall. Pupils should practice these words by reading them aloud and spelling them aloud.

Numeracy this week can be found on Education City. All tasks should be completed by Friday. If there are any problems accessing this at home then pupils can attend our Early Bird Club where chrome books are available to complete these tasks. The Early Bird Club is completely free and opened from 8am every day.


Miss McFlynn 🙂

Homework WB 21/01/19

This weeks whole school homework focuses on the First Ministers Reading Challenge. P3’s little blue books will be sent out this week and should be updated with any new books they have read. Along with these books the children have also been challenged to completing as many reading challenges as they can this week. Below are some of the activities you can do:

FMRC Homework Task

Along with this whole school homework Primary 3 have spelling, reading and numeracy homework to complete this week. The spelling rule this week is ‘ue’ and a list of the words can be found in their homework folders.

Maths homework this week has to be completed through Education City. All of the children have been assigned 4 tasks to complete. Education City can be accessed through any device that can connect to the internet. All children have a copy of their log in either in their bags or glued to the back of their homework jotter.

If there are any issues accessing this please speak to Miss McFlynn 🙂

Homework WB 14/01/19

This week’s optional whole school homework is a creative competition. If you are interested in taking part see the link below.

Creative Competition Flyer 2019

The competition is part of the Show Racism the Red Card campaign and encourages all participants to demonstrate an anti-racism message. If you would like to take part and require any art or other materials please let Miss McFlynn know. Be creative! You can do anything to spread the message.

The school will submit the entries together and therefore they should be returned by Friday.

Along with this whole school homework Primary 3a have spelling and reading homework as normal. All pupils have their spelling words for this week in their folders. If you require a new sheet please ask Miss McFlynn.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone and welcome back! I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday and are feeling well rested, ready for the term ahead 🙂

Homework this term will be in a mixture of formats with whole school activities continuing, some jotter work and the use of Education city.

Education city homework is a fun way for children to practice skills and the program allows us to monitor progress, track errors and assign specific targets  to specific individuals. It highlights errors and areas that individuals find challenging which allows us to plan and teach in a responsive manner. The activities assigned can be completed on a laptop, chromebook, tablet or phone or any device that has internet access.

Each child has their own login details which have been glued into the back of their homework jotters. Anyone having issues with login or  please contact the class teachers for support.

This week P3a have been assigned spelling homework to be completed in their jotters as normal and reading each night as normal. This term our maths homework will be completed using education city. This week the children have been assigned a variety of maths activities on Education City which should be completed by the end of the week.

Along with literacy and numeracy homework P3a have been assigned a whole school homework task which relates to our class topic for this term. Our topic this term is The Rainforest. Attached is a copy of the sheet to download incase you have misplaced your paper copy.

Whole school HW p3a WB 7th Jan

Thank You,

Miss McFlynn


Christmas Art!

This week we all took part in a draw along session inspired by the Grinch. We all watched a step by step video of how to draw the Grinch and drew along with it. We used pencil at first to draw the outline of his hand and then we added colour and texture using oil pastel.

We are all very pleased with how they turned out!

Homework W.B 17/12/18

All of the classes in St Mark’s Primary have a Class Blog to showcase their learning.  This week Primary 3’s homework is to share their class blog with their family and friends at home.

Please use the ABCS of Listening and Talking to discuss your child’s blog. Once completed please fill in the Form below to provide us with feedback.

To complete the form you must log in by using your child’s glow username  and password with ‘’ at the end of the username. The boys and girls will know their log in. For example:


Special Visitor!

Last week we were surprised to find a special visitor in our classroom. Meet Tommy the Elf who has came all the way from the North Pole to visit us in Primary 3a. Over the past week Tommy has been playing tricks on us and he even put Miss McFlynn on the naughty list!

One morning we came into class and he had stole Miss McFlynn’s biscuits and was eating them!

Lets hope Tommy behaves himself this week!



Chritsmas Fair!

A  huge thank you to the boys and girls in Primary 3 for all your hard work making the lovely enterprise gifts. Our stall raised a massive £63 for the school!

As you can see p3a were extrememly happy with their other pruchases from the stalls at the fair.


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