Literacy and English

Stormy Night

We’ve been working hard to develop our use of vocabulary to make our writing interesting and engaging. After last week’s storm we decided to write a descriptive paragraph. We then used a greenscreen and iclips app to create videoclips (we’ll get some of these uploaded to twitter) You can also read a few of our descriptions below.

The storm started quickly. I could see the sunshine had gone and the black, dark weather was coming. The rain was spitting down, the wind was ripping through the air.
I can hear the rain coming down like a hungry beast, the thunder roaring violently. The wind screams, the pitter pattering of the rain and the drumbeats bang on the roof.

The storm rolled in, grey clouds destroying the blue sky. Slowly the rain which a few seconds ago was a calm pitter patter of rain was now a downpour. The wind destroyed trees knocking them down like dominoes. Thunder and lightning crackled, tearing the sky apart. The rain falls as stones. The ground is changed into an enormous lake. The drumbeats of rain on the rooftops. The wind continues its rampage even the strongest of trees are destroyed. Leaves flying around in chaos. A jagged bolt of lightning strikes fear into electricity poles. The storm rages on…
By Oscar

The storm was approaching with dark clouds covering the blue sky. The light rain turned into a torrential downpour. The lightning was as sharp as a fork as it split the sky in half. The thunder was as loud as a truck passing by and as violent as bullets flying through the sky.
by Luke

Pupil Council Election

Last week we held our pupil council elections. We had many children presenting, showing great confidence and skills in talking and listening. The presentations included powerpoint, SWAY and note cards. After some excellent speeches we held a secret ballot- it was close but our newly elected pupil council rep is Daniel. Congratulations!
In other news, many of us brought in our own devices to connect to the council wifi. The BYOD will allow us to connect to the internet to help with our topic research and learning.

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