Monthly Archives: June 2023

Science Fair

A big well done to all of P2 for completing fantastic science fair projects. All children were able to talk confidently about different science topics to children and adults across the school and also to our parents and families. Well done for all your hard work P2 and a big thank you to everyone who came along to celebrate our very last Make Your Mark achievement.

P7 buddies Football Friday

We want to say a big thank you to our P7 Reading Buddies! We have loved getting to know everyone this year and really appreciate all their help with our reading. Today they hosted a special football morning for us. We did some beat the goalie, mini 4 a sides and practised our dribbling skills. We really enjoyed it. We are going to miss them but wish them the best of luck for S1 at St Luke’s!


Delicious Flapjacks!

As part of our Farming topic, we have been learning all about Oats. We had a virtual visit to a farm in Stirling and seen the journey from seed to store.

We used Scottish Oats to make flapjacks as part of one of our make your mark achievements. We all had a taste and agreed they were delicious!