Monthly Archives: March 2023

Sponsored walk for SCIAF

Today we completed our sponsored walk for SCIAF. We walked around the playground 10 times to walk 1 mile. If everyone in the school completed this, then we will have roughly contributed 350miles to the SCIAF challenge of walking the route around Zambia. We were very creative and made some encouraging posters for our walk.

Class achievement – Jigsaws

In P2b, we have been working on puzzles and jigsaws. Through this we learned about the importance of teamwork and developed our communication skills. The world map jigsaw was the trickiest and had 150 pieces! We were very happy to complete this on Friday as it took us a few weeks to finish it.

Aysha – we learned to not give up.

Minha – we had to listen to our team mates.

Tymon – we challenged ourselves.

Zenab – teamwork makes the dream work.

Qasim – I enjoyed finding the different countries on the map.

Isaac – This linked to our learning about different weathers as we looked at the climates across the world.