S4 Parents’ Evening

The Fourth Year Parents’ Evening will take place today (Thursday 29th November). You child’s interviewing teacher will have already issued an appointment letter with a feedback sheet attached. Each teacher has collated further information through professional discussions with your child’s teachers. I am hopeful that your meeting will be informative and give you a detailed update on the progress of your son/daughter.

I have included further information in an information leaflet which can be accessed here

If you require further information after the meeting the interviewing teacher will make a note of this request and forward this to the relevant member of staff to act upon. If you wish to talk to myself about any matter regarding your son/daughter I will be available at the main entrance throughout the evening.  

In order for the meeting to focus on the all-round education of the young person it is important that, where possible, the young person attends the interview. This will give them the opportunity to discuss their academic progress as well as lead a discussion regarding their wider experience of school. I am confident that each young person can discuss the wide array of skills that they are developing through the many co-curricular activities available to them.  

After the interview there will be an opportunity for you to provide feedback on our reporting process as there will be digital evaluations at the main entrance. Members of staff will be on hand to offer assistance where needed.  

I look forward to welcoming you on the evening.



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