Primary 7 had the opportunity to meet PC Mitchell today. They were learning about internet safety and how to make sure they stay safe using it. We heard some key pieces of information and the children asked great questions. Well done!
Primary 7 were getting to know Mrs McCulloch today. Mrs McCulloch will be joining our class and really made us use our thinking skills today. We had to discuss different moral dilemmas and then share our opinions.
Dodecahedrons have been working on converting fractions into percentages and decimals. They were working out that you have to multiply the top and bottom number in the fraction by the same number. This allows the children to have a fraction with the denominator of 100.
Primary 7 chose to look at Asia (Japan) for their social studies topic. We have started looking at manga art and how to read a manga comic book. We have learnt that you have to read from the right to left which is very confusing. The children have been writing their own imaginative story to go along with their animations. The boys and girls were giving manga art a shot today.
Primary 7 were visited by NSPCC. They were talking about different situations and whether P7 believed they were good or bad things. P7 were very mature with their opinions and having class discussions about different types of abuse and how to speak out.