Primary 7 received their £5 from Mrs McRobb today. The boys and girls have been working hard to make products that they think will be sell-able to other pupils and visitors to the school. I cannot wait to see how far the £5 will go. Good luck to everyone, let the selling begin!
One of the bonus activities during flexible learning this week was a K’Nex challenge. Those that chose to participate had to try and make a functioning wind mill. Look at the great K’Nex windmill designs made. Well done boys!

Yesterday, in Primary 7 we reflected about what we are thankful for.
We displayed our thoughts on the board and discussed why it was important to think about what we are thankful for.

This morning in Primary 7 we were learning about the acronym ‘BOUNCE BACK’. Mrs Dallas was working with our class to think of strategies we could use when we are not feeling 100% or feeling a little bit down. We were discussing how it is ok to not always feel 100% but identifying that this feeling will not last forever.
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