Today we were completing some problem solving challenges.
Today we were completing some problem solving challenges.
We were burning off lots of energy in P.E. today. We were using our teamwork and communication skills to play some great hockey games. There were some spectacular goals.
Well done Hamish on your rugby achievements!
Today in Primary 7, we were visited by the Campus Cop to learn more about Online Safety. We were learning about how to make sure we stay safe when we are online. Also, we talked about what the differences are between the online and offline world are.
Primary 7 were completing some problem solving challenges today. They had to use their team work and communication skills to solve the problem using a variety of strategies. Primary 7 were joined by by Mr McAllister and two S6 pupils from Williamwood to observe their choice of strategies.
Octahedrons were using concrete materials to locate and identify decimal fractions on a number line. Well done!
Primary 7 gathered as a year group to hear a Science Lecture about what energy is. They had to watch energy videos and pick out key facts about the different forms of energy. The boys and girls then made paper helicopters to show how different forms of energy are used. When the helicopters are raised in the air it has potential energy. This is converted to kinetic energy as the helicopter falls.
Welcome to Primary 7B!