Think Science


We had the opportunity to go to watch Think Science. Think science was really exciting and fun. There was a red balloon that had two equal forces one and the top and the bottom and that is how helium balloon floats. We also learnt that hot air floats.


WOW! Super science in Primary 7 today. We were so unbelievably lucky to be visited by David Hunter today. He brought lots of interesting resources for the children to use. There were huge balloons, liquid nitrogen, chemicals and much much more…

Have a look at these fantastic photographs of some of the exciting moments!




Primary 7 had the opportunity to learn about prosthetics today. They were learning about how someone can be fitted for a wheelchair and how to properly measure someone. P7 learnt that it can take weeks of adjustments to get the correct wheel chaired prosthetics  fitting. This is so important for someone who is getting fitted for something that could change their daily life.

Lego Design Challenge

Primary 7 started a Lego design challenge yesterday to get our STEAM brains active. The children could only choose a maximum of 5 pieces of Lego to design either a piece of jewellery or a sculpture. They will then be given more material as the week goes on to see if they are able to think of new design ideas. Primary 7 were also asked to think about their inspiration, who they were making it for and why they were making it




During science today we learnt about density, negatively buoyant and positively buoyant. If the water is more dense than the object we put in the cup then  it would float and if the water was  less dense it would sink. Some of the objects we tried were an egg,blueberry,tangerine and penny.

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