Team work, Problem Solving and Science continues right to the end in P6! Today the children worked in groups to design, build and use a bridge or raft using art straws or lollipop sticks.
Learners had to budget resources and work together!
Learners have been working with Ms Macrae to produce this spectacular Christmas door. I don’t want to unduly influence the panel of judges… but this is clearly the winner of the Door of the Year competition!
Today, Mrs McRobb visited our class and watched presentations on some very interesting subjects! Learners used note-taking to summarise information from the magazine The Week. Presentations included Black Lives Matter (pictured), free climbing and the Blitz.
Some of our dyslexic learners have been investigating how font, layout and page colour can affect our engagement with books. We would encourage all parent of children with dyslexia or visual stress to investigate dyslexia friendly print books, or dyslexia friendly fonts on digital readers!
This week sees the return of equipment to PE! In our ball skills unit we will be learning hockey and golf. This began with some lessons on driving and putting with Mrs. Farrant.
This afternoon we learned how air pressure can affect our weather. To test the theory we built our own barometers! We hope everyone has a fun and restful October break. Until a week on Tuesday!
To round off Maths Week our creative team used their skills to design maths board games. The results were impressive! We also had a class discussion about some examples of women who use maths every day in their job. Our favourite example was the lighting designer who used maths to calculate intensity of light in her work.
P6 have taken part in lots of activities to celebrate maths week this week. Our young mathematicians raced to complete a 20 question relay quiz. In art, they used lines of pursuit to design squares and hexagons. Tomorrow we will design maths board games, with the best design to be painted on the school playground!
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