Think Science Visit

David from Think Science came to visit us on Thursday. He blew air into a long balloon. He aimed it one way and it fired the other way.

David used a hair dryer to put hot air into a large ‘balloon’ It rose up high into the air and eventually came down when the air cooled.

David removed the air between 2 suction cups so that they stuck together. Mrs Dallas and Mr McGlaughlin pulled as hard as they could. Unfortuantely they pulled too hard and the cups seperated throwing Mrs Dallas backwards! There is video evidence of this happening 🙂

David was able to lie on a bed of nails because he distributed his weight.

David calculated the weight of his head using Archimedes rule. His head weighed 4kg. Definitely do not try this at home!

Science week-searching for Micro Organisms

The children have been collecting samples from their surroundings and putting them into petri dishes with agar jelly. They are hoping to observe micro organisms growing over the next 6 days.

Niko and Noah-carpet sample                Reece and Skye-model sample

Max and Freya- desk sample              Holly and Witold-shoe sample

Olivia and partner- door sample        Poppy and Kaedyn-inside door

Callum and Imogen-remote control        Jack&Anise-computer mouse

Niko and Noah- taking a carpet sample

Ethan&Megan- house point pen   Alfie&Saskia-cupboard handle

Kayla and Zak- light switch sample

Science Week- visit from prosthetic engineers

Primaries 4A, 4B and 5 had some prosthetic engineers visit them on Tuesday. Ian and Mirrin work for the NHS and design limbs and special wheel chairs for children. They showed the children how to measure very carefully so that the prosthetic limbs and wheelchairs fit perfectly.


Stewart sat in a special chair which takes a mould of his bottom to make sure the wheelchair is a comfortable fit.

Trying out the different wheel chairs.


Isha gets measured for a wheelchair

Leah tries to pick up a pencil with a prosthetic arm.

Testing prosthetic limbs.

Looking at prosthetic limbs.






Reece did a  turn  on the wheel chair and he enjoyed it.

Alfie also did a turn  and he liked it.

Skye said it was a really weird feeling on the wheel chair but she did well.

Noah said it was fun and he loved turning.


Poppy thought it was hard but it turned out it was easy.


Olivia said it was hard work to change direction.

Imogen moved the wheelchair well.


Measuring limbs for a wheelchair.


Checking the grip on a prosthetic arm.

Noah measured Ethan for a wheelchair.

Kayla thinks that the prosthetic hand is quite good.

Max Bill Art

The children used water colours to blend colours.

‘It was very relaxing.’

‘We listened to music during it.’

‘I liked blending the colours to make different shades.’

‘We used blue, red and yellow to make different colours.’