Tag Archives: Numeracy

Cylinders and Cones

Yesterday the Cylinders were learning their two times table by playing active learning games and then completing a two times table dot to dot.

‘When we were joining the dots, we had to make sure we were counting up in twos’ Noah and Jessica

‘We played pass the ball to the song Happy and when the music stopped we had to answer a multiplication question’ Boid


The Cones were learning addition to 20 and practising their number formation using play doh!

‘Using the play doh helped me to make the numbers and to make sure they were the right way’ Aiden


Pizza Party!

This week the Cubes have been learning about fractions and how a single item can be shared equally.

‘It was fun making the fraction pizzas’ Maggie

‘It helped us to learn about halves and quarters’ Daisy

‘Two quarters is equal to one half’ Aoife

‘The numerator is the top number of the fraction and the denominator is the bottom number’ Ava G

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Telling Time:)

Yesterday the Cylinders were learning to tell time.

‘We learned o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to.’ Boid

‘There are 60 minutes in 1 hour.’ Jessica

‘There are 30 minutes in half an hour’ Ashton

‘There are 15 minutes in one quarter of an hour’ Faith
