All posts by gw17eagershardiejess@glow

Spring Poetry

This week Primary Four were able to take advantage of the (brief) appearance of the sun to take their learning outside.  We were learning to use our notes to create poetry while describing the features of our landscape.

We used four of our senses to consider the trees in our school playground.  We listened to the trees in the wind, we saw moss grow on the side of the trees and new buds growing, we smelt the leaves, and we touched the bark.  We took notes to describe how we experienced the trees through each of these senses.

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Last week some of our Primary Four class celebrated the gift of the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  We were excited to receive the Sacrament during this ‘Centenary of Catholic Education’ year.   Father Neil McGarrity of St Thomas the Apostle, in Riddrie, and our own Father Joe celebrated the service, calmed our nerves and offered us absolution from our sins.  We were grateful to Father Neil for taking the time away from his own parish and, as ever, were grateful for all the instruction Father Joe had provided to guide us through this important Sacrament. We were blessed to receive the support of our families along with the prayers of our classmates and teachers.  We are now looking forward to preparing for the Sacrament of the Eucharist.

Young Meteorologists!


This week Primary 4 have been learning about the weather and, in particular, the different forms that water can take.

We conducted an experiment to create clouds in a glass using two different forms of water to create a third.

Daisy ‘I thought there would be more than one cloud’

Amy ‘I didn’t know that was how clouds were made’

Ashton ‘We made a cloud in the glass but it was difficult to see it’.