All posts by Mrs Simpson

Reciprocal Reading and Drama:)

In primary 3 we have been reading the ‘Hodgeheg’ for our novel study. We have been creating freeze frames to summarise the main point in the story.

‘Each week we have really been enjoying reading and summarising the chapters.’ Niall

‘We read a chapter every week and use different reciprocal reading strategies. My favourite strategy is predicting what is going to happen next. Ava R’


Yesterday primary 3 were designing circus big tops in pairs.

LI: to work with others to discuss, generate and develop imaginative ideas to create a product.

‘On our big tops we had to create a colourful pattern. This links to Numeracy’ Daisy

‘We had to create a plan for building our big top’ Jessica

‘I had to brainstorm ideas for materials and how to build my big top. I worked with my partner Daisy’ Noah



In Science we have been learning about the structure and function of a skeleton. As part of our learning we decided to create an advert to promote living a healthy lifestyle. We were able to build on our team working and drama skills.

‘The function of the skeleton is to support your body and protect your organs’ Ava G

”When you are an adult you have 206 bones’ Noah

‘As you grow some of your bones join together’ Emma

‘Having a healthy lifestyle is good. You should have a balanced diet, drink water, exercise and meditate’ Niall


LI: to create a poster using Microsoft word.

Success Criteria

1. We can include text about the Circus e.g. what animals,

where, when, time, acts.

2. We will include an image/s from Clip art.

3. We will make it colourful.


Healthy Living:)

LI: to discuss what I need to do to keep my body healthy.

Success criteria

1. I can discuss with my peers what I need to do to keep

my body healthy.

2. I will create an advert with my group to promote a healthy lifestyle.

Magnificent Maths:)

The Cylinders have been learning all about fractions.

LI: to show how a single item can be shared equally.

‘To find out the denominator we have to count how many equal pieces the shape or item has been split into’ Noah

‘The numerator is the top number and the denominator is the bottom number of the fraction’ Jessica

‘If an item has been split in half it has been split into 2 equal pieces’ Faith

‘The fraction pizzas helped us to understand fractions’ Michael


The Cubes have been learning to divide this week.

LI: to divide equally.

‘We have been learning about the link between division and multiplication’ Ava G

‘We have learned a new layout for division and we have been practising this in our jotters. Ava R

The Cones have been learning about Place Value with Ms Leahy.

‘We have been learning about tens and units’ Abbie

‘We have been adding tens and units with carrying. It felt good to do hard work’ Aiden