Holly Wreath has set us another mission!

Some of our missions have been to spread Christmas cheer and perform confidently at our Christmas concert.  Daisy

Holly left us chocolate lollipops for spreading Christmas cheer! Daisy

Today we have to create a Christmas character for Santa’s Christmas cards. Ashton

I feel excited everyday to see what Holly has left us! Antony


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Today we are writing Christmas shape poems!

‘To help us plan our Christmas shape poems we took part in a carousel activity’ Danni

‘We have to include adjectives and alliteration in our poem’ Hannah and Maggie

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Our Class Trip:)

Yesterday we had lots of fun exploring Ancient Egyptian artefacts at the Glasgow Resource Museum in Darnley.

‘We learned lots more about Ancient Egypt’ Summer

‘We got to hold different objects and we had to wear gloves’ Daisy


