Taking Science Outdoors

Sharing Good Practice event: Taking Citizen Science Outdoors to support your Teaching and Learning – Thursday 16 March 2017


Please find attached details of, and a booking form for, a forthcoming event aimed particularly at Teachers, teacher trainers and trainee teachers. Please do circulate these details further to colleagues.


Citizen science gives young people and communities the chance to get hands-on with science in an exciting and meaningful way.  It provides opportunities to learn new skills, engage with the scientific community and find out how scientific observation can deepen understanding and knowledge of our local environment. Citizen Science can support Learning for Sustainability – an entitlement for all learners.


This event will look at how young people can become involved in recording and monitoring their local environment through activities often now referred to as “citizen science”, including in classrooms, in school grounds, and in local greenspaces.  It will look at formal and informal opportunities, a whole school approach involving the wider community, and links to the Curriculum for Excellence.  It will aim to identify what works in practice through looking at educational resources and other sources of support and advice.


To attend please return the attached booking form. The event is free, however there are a limited number of spaces so we are initially accepting bookings from one teacher per school only, with any others going on a waiting list.


This event is also listed on SNH’s web site at: http://www.snh.gov.uk/policy-and-guidance/sharing-good-practice/events/



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