CLPL opportunities in Edinburgh

2017 CPD Training A5 flyer for web and email

SENSORY ACTIVITIES IN NATURE  Saturday, 29th April 10am—3pm  Water of Leith. Learn to deliver sensory games and activities outdoors. Explore, experience and connect with the local environment. Learn basic identification games, quiet time, creative and environmental activities and how to adapt them for different ages. All sessions cost £60 plus booking fee (free for Green Team volunteer leaders) Book via: We also offer tailored CPD Training for your staff. Visit links/cpd-training for more information.

WELLBEING IN NATURE Saturday, 13th May 10am-3pm Bawsinch Nature Reserve Explore activities to improve people’s well-being. The day will include an introduction to mindfulness in nature. There will be guided meditations and time to explore Bawsinch Nature Reserve in a mindful way. We will look at how we can use a Wellbeing Circle and how this can help us to explore our own development and connection to nature.

POSITIVE LEADERSHIP Saturday, 24th June. 10am-3pm Bawsinch Nature Reserve An introduction to a variety of techniques to use with groups including facilitation techniques, how to frame activities, planning a varied day, positive role models and reflective practice.

FIRE, COOKING & CARVING Saturday, 9th September 10am-3pm Venue Vogrie Country Park Discover safe and effective fire-lighting techniques. Gain confidence using fire, Kelly kettles and outdoor cooking practices. Learn or improve your wood carving skills at the same time. OUTDOOR COOKING FOOD SAFETY Saturday, 7th October 10am-3pm Bawsinch Nature Reserve Learn the theory behind food hygiene safety with Simply Safe Foods before putting it into practice with an outdoor cooking session.

OUTDOOR COOKING FOOD SAFETY Saturday, 7th October 10am-3pm Bawsinch Nature Reserve Learn the theory behind food hygiene safety with Simply Safe Foods before putting it into practice with an outdoor cooking session.


Free outdoor learning CLPL from Grounds for Learning.

Scotland’s Natural Larder – foraging and wild foods in Scotland

11th March 2017, Gatehouse of Fleet

Come and join us for an inspiring training day for teachers, exploring how Scotland’s natural food resources can be used as an inspiring and engaging topic for learning in schools. We will spend the day visiting a sea food smokehouse, a working estate and foraging on beach or woodland. You will then take learning back to school and have opportunity to put into practice your learning, and attend a sharing event at the end of term to share and learn more.


Book your FREE place here