Meeting Learner Needs

Inclusive Practice in East Renfrewshire

Covid-19 Mitigations and Hearing Loss

Although masks are necessary for protection against the virus, it is important to note the effect that it is having on children and young people with hearing impairments so that adjustments can be made to best support them.

The National Children’s Deaf Society have gathered information for children and young people, parents and professionals to support children with hearing impairments at this time.

They have also ran a survey over the summer to gather the experiences of children and young people with hearing impairments experience of masks:

  • Face masks are causing huge barriers to communication
  • Masks are also having a negative impact on your child’s confidence and independence
  • Two thirds of parents said that their child finds it hard to communicate with someone who is wearing a mask
  • Nine out of ten parents confirmed that clear masks can make a huge difference for their deaf child
  • 90% of families would be much more likely to visit a particular place if staff were deaf aware.

In response to this survey, The National Children’s Deaf Society have written this briefing on recommendations the use of masks in public and education settings.

They have also gathered information on clear masks and face coverings. 

Click here for more information.

The Best Clear Face Masks for Kids – SheKnows

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