Meeting Learner Needs

Inclusive Practice in East Renfrewshire

National Practice Model

The National Practice Model

All children and young people have the potential to be confident individuals, successful learners, effective contributors and responsible citizens.

In order to ensure the potential of children and young people is realised, staff are required to use wellbeing indicators in the cycle of assessment, planning, support and review.

The wellbeing indicators are outlined in the National Practice Model as Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible and Included.

There are three components in the National Practice Model that can be applied throughout the process of assessment:



The Wellbeing Wheel: This should be used by staff in observations, assessment, the identification of concerns, the recording and sharing of information, and in requests for assistance from other agencies. It should also be used throughout the planning and review stage, specifically when developing SMART outcomes.





The Resilience Matrix: This should be used by staff to analyse risk and protective factors.





The My World Triangle: This can be used by staff where more significant concerns are identified and should always be used where a child requires a multi-agency plan (CMAP). It helps staff to assess how the child or young person is growing and developing, what they need from the people who look after them, and the impact of their wider world, including their family, friends, and community.


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