Meeting Learner Needs

Inclusive Practice in East Renfrewshire

Roles and Responsibilities


The Education department has a statutory duty to provide a Named Person Service for ALL children and young people on entry to primary school to the age of 18, or later if still attending school.  Within primary schools a promoted member of staff, determined by the head teacher, will fulfil the role of named person.  In high schools this role will be carried out by the pupil’s Principal Teacher of Pupil Support.  Schools should ensure that ALL pupils and parents are aware of the role of the named person.

The role of the named person for all children and young people is to promote, support or safeguard the wellbeing of the child or young person by: advising, informing or supporting the child or young person, or a parent of the child or young person; helping the child or young person, or a parent of the children or young person, to access a service or support; discussing or raising a matter about a child or young person with a service provider or relevant authority, paying due regard to national guidance on information sharing, General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and relevant child protection legislation where applicable.***

This will include:

  • Acting as the first point of contact for the child and family
  • Developing positive relationships with the child and family
  • Encouraging parents to understand and contribute towards their child’s wellbeing
  • Facilitating positive transitions for the child, including to the new Named Person
  • Acting as a point of contact for other agencies and responding to requests for information sharing
  • Asking the 6 key questions and taking action to coordinate any help needed if wellbeing concerns are raised about a child or young person
  • Seeking assistance from other agencies when it is appropriate and proportionate to do so
  • Ensuring the child and family has understanding when sharing information with others.
  • Ensuring that children and families are fully involved in decisions that affect them
  • Coordinating the preparation, delivery and review of a wellbeing assessment and child’s plan when a child needs individualised and targeted support
  • Maintaining accurate and up to date information within the child’s core record, chronology, and plan about the child and any related adults and recording decisions and actions taken
  • Ensuring that the views of children and families are gathered at every stage

School Additional Support Needs (ASN) Coordinators are responsible for assuring the quality of the whole school approach to GIRFEC (Education). Class teachers are responsible for the delivery of education to children and young people who experience wellbeing needs and are therefore central to the effective implementation of GIRFEC (Education) at ALL stages.

It is best practice for ALL staff working with the child or young person to contribute to the planning and evaluation process, in partnership with children, young people and parents.

The education department has a statutory duty to ensure that the named person has the required qualifications, training and experience to carry out their role.

The education department will evaluate the quality of support to pupils within schools and clusters through its programme of reviews.

***Child Protection Concerns

Where the named person, or another member of staff, identifies child protection concerns immediate action should be taken in keeping with existing child protection procedures.

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