Meeting Learner Needs

Inclusive Practice in East Renfrewshire

Monitoring and Self Evaluation

The Scottish Government has produced a helpful guide:

A Guide to Evaluating Wellbeing in Schools and Nurseries

Supporting documents are available to download here.



The ASN Coordinator should ensure that planned, coherent, systems are in place to allow for effective individual and strategic monitoring and evaluation.

Careful monitoring of GIRFEC (Education) will allow the school or centre to know well the needs of children and young people, individually and collectively.

The school ASN Co-ordinator should maintain an overview of children any young people who have child’s plan, including those who have a CMAP. A suggested overview pro-forma is shown in Appendix 9.

Moderation of child’s plans (within stages, within schools, within clusters, cross authority) will improve the quality and consistent application of GIRFEC (Education) within schools and across the local authority. Reflective questions to support moderation activities are included within Appendix 10.  

Regular analysis by the senior management team (SMT) is recommended in order to track the attainment and achievement of pupils with wellbeing needs.

In addition, analysis should support the school or centre to determine the:

  • Numbers of pupils with specific needs e.g. ASD, SEBN, mental health, dyslexia
  • Needs of particular groups at each stage/year group
  • Trends of pupils with wellbeing needs



The routine gathering and monitoring of such data should assist the school or centre to effectively deploy resources, identify the CLPL needs of staff and inform wider self-evaluation and improvement planning.

This information would be purposefully shared at cluster/neighbourhood level in order to inform and plan effective transition arrangements for individual and groups of children and young people.

The education department will support schools/clusters in identifying strengths and improvement priorities through cluster and school based reviews. Good practice identified through these reviews will be shared within existing forums.

The education department will routinely sample child plans (education) and overviews to promote the consistent application of this guidance across all its schools and centres.

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