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Gardens in a box

We were invited to P4:14 to see the wonderful gardens the children had designed and made in shoe boxes. The nursery children were given tokens to vote for their favourite. They were all outstanding but here a small selection of some of our favourites. Well done P4.14!


Today we all met Camembear,  our new ‘student’ as Phoebe said! Camembear has come all the way from France to teach us French. We learned how to say hello, ‘Bonjour’ and to tell him our name, ‘je m’appelle’ .

Mearns Masters Gastronomers

We prepared and chopped a selection of vegetables for pizza toppings. We then put our pizza together with a roll base, pizza sauce, cheese and our toppings, some of the children even used the toppings to make smiley faces! We then tidied and washed up after ourselves whilst the pizza cooked and then came  the highlight –   when we got to eat our pizza creations – yum! 🍕💛