All posts by Mrs James


This week we have been exploring numbers, we even tried addition calculations using our counting bears.

This helps us to become more familiar with numbers as we also talk about why numbers are important and what they represent.  We are always looking out for numbers in the world around us.

Hive of Activity

Today the Duplo bricks were added to the block area.  The conversations and group work that this generated was fascinating to watch.

The children worked together in little groups sharing their ideas, others worked independently and then joined their creations together.  There was a lovely buzz in the area as everyone focused on their play.


Our home corner has been transformed into a Primary 1 classroom and we have been very busy playing and working in this new area.  Some resources from Primary 1 classes have been placed in here in order that they are familiar for those starting school in August.

Welcome flowers!

Mrs Murray and the children created this beautiful display for the door to our playroom! We love how so many children contributed and how different their designs are from one another.  Some super writing too!

” Every child is a different kind of flower and altogether make this a beautiful world.”

Digital Technology

We are all so lucky at Mearns Nursery, as we have some fantastic resources for us all to use to help us learn.  Here we are using some iPads to play Codeapillar, Scratch Junior and Beebots.  It is so much fun to be able to explore these resources together.

Then last week we were super excited to receive a set of indi spheros which are a lot faster than our Beebots. We had great fun learning how to use them and giving them a go!