Values Day 2024πŸͺ„πŸŒŸ

We had a very fun day during values day yesterday! We started with a magic show where we met Disco and Chester the Cheeky Monkey who helped the magician perform some excellent tricks, well done to Evie for being an excellent magicians assistant!

We then had some fun jumping on the bouncy castle and enjoyed some ice cream for a snack afterwards! What a great day!


Gastronomers Showcase! 🌟

We had a lovely afternoon on Friday showcasing our Mearns Masters β€˜Gastronomers’ learning in the kitchen! We loved having our parents and siblings into our class to try our food we made and watch our video showing our 6 week learning journey! Thank you to everyone who came along and made it such a great afternoon! πŸ˜ƒπŸŒŸ

Pancakes! πŸ₯ž

Thank you to Ava and her auntie for the wonderful pancake recipe! The boys and girls worked hard to weigh, measure and mix the pancake ingredients. We then worked on flipping the pancakes in the pan before trying our pancakes! We talked about what we liked and disliked.