Mearns Masters – Gastronomers πŸ§‘β€πŸ³

During Week 1 and 2 of our Mearns Masters pathway, Gastronomers,Β  we visited the Kitchen where we learned the chopping techniques of claw hold and bridge chopping technique. We used our chopping skills to chop soft and hard fruit and make fruit kebabs and smoothies. We enjoyed eating these in class and discussing our likes and dislikes.

During Week 3 of Gastronomers, we used all chopping techniques we had learned to chop tomatoes, onions and crush garlic to make salsa. We then enjoyed trying the salsa with some tortilla chips and discussing as a class the different flavours we could taste.

Sports Day 2024! πŸπŸ…

During our Sports Day on Friday we had great fun taking part in flat races and potted sports! 🏐 Well Done to all of our winners and to all of the boys and girls in Primary 1.4 for taking part! 🌟

Also during our sports day, the boys and girls had a taster session of Judo with a local Judo instructor! We loved learning different Judo moves and learning ‘Konnichiwato say hello.




Plants and Pollination! πŸͺ΄πŸŒ±

In Primary 1.4 we have been learning about plants and pollination. The boys and girls loved planting sunflower seeds and we are watering them everyday to hopefully see them bloom! The boys and girls have also been learning about parts of a plant and we worked hard to label each part! Well Done Primary 1.4!

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Bird life cycles πŸ¦β€β¬›

We learned about the life cycle of a bird and then made bird feeders πŸ•ŠοΈ We took them out to our forest and hung them for the birds to eat! Well Done boys and girls! πŸ‘ ⭐️

We have been working on doubles in numeracy and triangles worked hard to use the cubes to identify doubles to 10! Well Done triangles! πŸ˜ƒ