We’re going on an Egg Huntβ€¦πŸ£

Yesterday we read ‘We’re going on an egg hunt’ story and then headed off to the treehouse to find what the Easter bunny had left for us!

We each found an egg left for us in the treehouse, we had to look through the resources to find where the eggs were hiding! The boys and girls worked very hard to find their eggs and were rewarded when the plastic eggs turned to chocolate eggs! Wow!

Forest Minibeasts! 🐜🌲

We have spent the last few weeks exploring minibeasts such as caterpillars, butterflies, insects and many more! The boys and girls worked hard to learn the life cycles and habitats of many of the minibeasts and we worked hard to label the insect body parts! We also created bees and ladybugs out of our craft materials!

Some of us worked with Miss Dixon to paint Minibeasts! Well Done boys and girls!

Tooth Tuesday! 🦷πŸͺ₯

As part of STEM week we learned about how to take care of our teeth during tooth Tuesday! We worked hard to learn how to brush our teeth correctly and talked about how often you should brush your teeth a day! We then worked in teams to complete some tasks linked to healthy teeth! We brushed off the plaque from different teeth.

We counted 20 teeth and painted these and created 20 teeth using playdoh also!

Some of use cut out and stuck 20 teeth onto the gums!

We completed an experiment with Mrs Provan where we researched the effects of sugar on our teeth. When the sugar was added to the solution it fizzed and bubbled!

STEM Zoology 🐻

Miss Dixon told us all about her second job where she works at the zoo looking after the animals! We looked at different animals and the enclosures they live in! We then worked with our groups to create animal enclosures – thinking about what space and resources the animal would need.

We created an enclosure for our gorilla including swings and ropes to keep him stimulated and food and water for him to eat and play!

We also worked hard to create an enclosure for our elephant with walls around it to keep him safe and different terrain similar to his habitat in the wild!


Cinema Fun! 🎬🍿

The boys and girls were very excited on the bus on the way to the Cinema! We then walked with our partners up the stairs of the cinema to the screen! πŸ“Ί

We all found our seats and got our snacks out ready for the movie to start! 🍿

We loved the Inseparables movie and in particular our favourite character was DJ dog!🐢 πŸ˜ƒ

When we arrived back at class some of the children drew the characters from the movie during Iplay. We talked about some adjectives to describe the characters. Well Done Primary 1.4! 🌟

World Book Day 2024 πŸ“šπŸ˜ƒ

We had a great World Book Day where the children dressed up and shared their favourite books! The children talked to the class about their favourite part in the story and why others would love these books also!

We then had time to swap our books with others in the class and the children loved reading different books recommended by their peers!

We completed different activities linked to World Book Day. We completed a book quiz as a class, drew our favourite characters from some books and created minibeast information books linked to our Forest Kindergarten learning! Well Done Primary 1.4!