Language lessons, forest fun and Iplay antics! πŸ‘πŸ˜ƒ

During our morning register Primary 1.4 have been keen to learn new languages and different ways of saying good morning and hello to their friends. We have so far learned how to greet each other in the morning in English, French, Spanish, Mandarin and we are currently researching Nigerian at present.

The children have also loved learning from each other and we have furthered our Mandarin language learning to numbers to 5. Well Done to our amazing Mandarin teacher for teaching your peers the numbers! We loved it!

The boys and girls have been enjoying learning new skills in Iplay and working with others from other Primary 1 classes. We have been using our coding skills to direct the Bee bots around the mats to different locations, we have been exploring imaginative play using LEGO structures created and some of us have loved tinkering with nuts and bolts to create a giant grabber! We loved collecting items using our giant grabber during tidy up time!

The boys worked hard to explore motion and created a track from the loose parts for their car. They then tested the track using the car and adapted it to ensure the car could achieve its full speed! Well Done boys!

This Wednesday the winds were unfortunately too high for us to go outdoors into the forest for Forest Kindergarten! We worked with P1.3 and further explored Minibeasts. We looked at different minibeasts found outdoors and even learned a Minibeast song! The boys and girls worked hard to classify minibeasts with their peers! Well Done Primary 1.4!

We have been working hard in phonics on our diagraphs and during our writing lesson the boys and girls completed targets in groups during their play. We worked hard to build 3 and 4 letter words using diagraphs and we also played a roll and read game using dice to practise our phonics sounds!

We have also been working hard on doubles in numeracy and the children have been utilising our maths area to complete some of their own calculations during play! Well Done!