This afternoon we had a picnic at the Relaxation Station. We listened to relaxing music, read, chatted to our friends and enjoyed some delicious snacks. Some of us even had a wee lie down!
Category: Health and Wellbeing
Today we were working on our rugby passes. We focused on the pop pass and the spin pass. We then added further challenge to this by being tasked to complete the pass while moving. We worked very well with our partners and are eager to continue our learning next week
Impromptu Class Photoshoot
The class are all looking very smart today
We are looking forward to getting our official class photo taken tomorrow.
It’s Party Time!
We all had a fabulous morning at our Christmas party with the rest of the P3s. We danced, we laughed and we played lots of fun games. We particularly loved ‘pass the parcel’ and ‘corners’!
Tis the Season!
Today we put up our Christmas tree to make our classroom festive ahead of our Winter Concert. The boys and girls loved doing this on their own. We also listened to some festive music and did a Christmas craft.
Look at our fabulous end product
Outdoor P.E
During our outdoor P.E slot, we have been focusing on improving our hockey skills. We have been practising holding our hockey stick correctly and passing a ball to our partner. After our lessons, we also get some time on the outdoor gym equipment which we love! This is always a highlight to our Tuesdays!
We loved going to Cineworld and seeing ‘Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile’. We were lucky to get the back row so some of us were able to have a little dance along with the fabulous songs!
Big thank you to our two parent helpers for supporting us on the day
House Challenge
Well done to A, E & A for earning House Challenge certificates! We loved cheering them on as they were presented at assembly
Happy Halloween
Halloween was lots of fun in 3.11. We had our Spooktacular sporting event, had the opportunity to look at all of the fabulous pumpkin creations, listened to a story about a witch’s spell gone wrong and created and shared our own witch/wizard story through Drama.
Lunch with the teacher

Well done to the previous Hufflepuff group for earning the most points before the holidays. They chose ‘ Lunch with the teacher’ as their reward. It has been lovely to sit together and eat whilst chatting about our day and interests