Today’s Blue target task was to find different ways of making a given number. The children worked out they could use the number strategies we have been learning in class to help with this. We used counting in 2’s,5’s and 10’s, doubling and making 10 first. I was super impressed!
Theo has a fab idea of sorting out our sentence jigsaws into different type of words. We learned about Verbs, Nouns, Adjectives, Start and joining words and position words. He made signs for our boxes. Great idea Theo!
The class wanted to learn about Bugs! Niamh found a bug and we out it into a magnifying container. We discovered this bug is not a spider as it has only 6 legs. It had three parts which we learned were the head, thorax and abdomen. It also had wings. How exciting!
We visited the Eco Garden. Miss Trouten’s class have been working so hard to plant and design the lovely garden . We learned about what plants they have planted . Thank you for our visit!
We have been using Kapla, a great resource for building . Some of the children thought they would try and make words and letters with the Kapla today. Great idea