This afternoon we had a picnic at the Relaxation Station. We listened to relaxing music, read, chatted to our friends and enjoyed some delicious snacks. Some of us even had a wee lie down!
Month: June 2024
Poster Competition
Well done to everyone who entered our poster competition focused on raising awareness of plastic pollution. Mrs Noble had a very difficult job selecting the winner.
Well done to Aleena for being our winner You will now see Aleena’s poster as you walk into the Avenue Shopping Centre.
Today we were working on our rugby passes. We focused on the pop pass and the spin pass. We then added further challenge to this by being tasked to complete the pass while moving. We worked very well with our partners and are eager to continue our learning next week
Pop Art
We took simple images of sea creatures and made them POP through the use of line and lots of colour. We were very proud of our creations
Eco Garden Reading
Sometimes a change of scenery is just what is needed during all the end of term chaos. We enjoyed reading our assigned pages of our reading books in the Eco Garden before returning to class to complete our follow on activities.