Judaism Visit

Sophie – I liked learning about Judaism because it was interesting.

Josie – I liked learning about other religions gods.

Kai – I thought it was very fun and I liked learning about Judaism,

Jack – I liked that she brought props (Torah scroll, shawl, kippah).

Abigail – I liked learning about it.

Matisse shape art

Darcy – I enjoyed doing the Matisse art because I love sticking and cutting and art.

Caoimhe – I loved using my cutting and sticking skills.

Sophie – I liked the cutting out.

Nathan – I liked making our pop star from shapes.

Oliver – I liked cutting out the shapes and making cool stuff.

Yasmin – I enjoyed cutting out shapes and making them into things Iv’e never seen before.

Making a healthy sandwich

Miles – I enjoyed making different food combinations.

Josie – I think it was nice trying something new.

Finlay – I never knew taking ingredients and putting them together in a sandwich would taste so nice.

Caoimhe – I liked making sandwiches because I like eating healthy food. I liked that I made a new sandwich.

Sienna – I liked making the sandwiches. It was lots of fun.

Try a Sport

Abigail – I enjoyed the tennis because of the fun games.

Erin – I enjoyed tennis and I also learned news things too.

Sophie – I enjoyed the tennis because I got to try a new sport.

Caoimhe – I liked tennis because we practised and it made me be better.

Ruth – I enjoyed playing tennis. I also liked playing the tennis games.

Yasmin – I enjoyed playing both the sports and it was really fun

Fantastic Blog

Hi Primary 4.2,

I have really enjoyed looking through your blog and learning about all the exiting things that you have been doing in class. I especially liked the work you have been doing looking at the oceans and the 2d shape work. I enjoyed reading your comments about all of your work. Keep up the good work!

Mr Masters