Ocean food chains

As part of our Under the Sea learning context, we learned about food chains. We created simple food chains to show how energy is transferred between some animals in the seas.


Miles – There are two parts to a food chain.  The producers and the consumers.

Ruth – I enjoyed learning about some sea animals diets.

Ana – It was fun cutting out the ocean animals and making the food chain.

Darcy – I enjoyed making the food chain.  It was very fun.

Outdoor learning

P4.2 were using natural materials in the playground to create pictograms. We displayed the variety in colour of the leaves in the playground. Some of us also created pictograms to show the variety of materials found in the outside area.

Darcy – I enjoyed it because we got to show how many leaves and sticks were in the playground.

Caoimhe – I really enjoyed learning outside.

Joel – I enjoyed getting the leaves and drawing like graphs.

Jack – I liked working with Kai and Fin. I like when we all collected the leaves.

Sophie – I enjoyed drawing with the chalk.

Ruth – I liked finding sticks and stones and leaves and sorting them out.