Chinese New Year 2018

Image result for happy new year in mandarin 2018              Image result for happy new year in mandarin 2018

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This is the year of the Dog.

“I taught the class how to write Happy New Year in Mandarin” – Amelie

“We decorated dragon masks and Chinese lanterns” – Jessica

We tasted Chinese food.

We worked together in our groups to devise a Dragon Dance with musical accompaniment.

Amelie’s Mum very kindly gave the children a red envelope with a coin inside to wish everyone good luck for Chinese New Year.


Outdoor Learning

Primary 2.1 had a wonderful time during Outdoor Learning this morning.

“Karen and Mike worked with our groups.  The girls stayed nice and clean, but the boys got very muddy” – Rhona and Femke


“It was actually really good fun, we played a game called Wizards, Giants, Elves and Unicorns” – Rebecca

“We were the muddiest in the class, we were sliding into the muddy puddles” – Blake, Archie and Luke

“It was cold outside but we were wrapped up warm, we had fun” – Nina and Ruby


“I wish we could go outside every single day to do Outdoor Learning like that, it was so much fun. I stayed on my feet when I was doing the Tug O War, I never rested until  it was over” – Tom