Stick Man Fun and Finger Painting!

dscf0217We used a variety of media to express our thoughts about different parts of ‘Stick Man’. Darcy and Emily are using natural materials to create a scene from the story. dscf0216James and Charlie are learning about printing skills. Printing using the side of their hands and their fingertips.
dscf0214Abigail is pleased with her snowy scene.  Olivia is using glue, glitter and cotton wool to add supporting detail to her art. dscf0215Max creating ‘snowfall’ with finger painting technique.
dscf0209Expressing our thoughts and feelings through art activities.  We discussed our interpretation and explained why we used different colours and materials. dscf0208Making Christmas tree pictures using pine cones for printing.  We added  a tinsel effect using glitter glue pens.