Mosques- Sand Art

We were learning about Mosques.  We looked at the inside on an interactive website. Our class were fascinated by the outside of the mosque. The domes and shapes are amazing and all look different.

I can work with a partner to make decisions.

I can talk about the shapes of mosques.

Andrew: ” I love working with different coloured sand”

Callum: ” Me and Jackson have worked hard together”

DSCN0252We shook the sand in sections so that we didn’t waste it. We could then re use the sand for other sections of our mosque. DSCN0251


Exploring Tiling

We were given a variety of different 2D shapes.

In groups we were exploring whether these shapes would tile (fit together) or not!

I can use resources to help me explore.

I can select 2D shapes that tile.

Matthew: ” circles do not tile- there is a gap”

Eloise: “triangles, squares, rectangles and hexagons all tile!”

Zak: ” I have tiles in my kitchen”

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Fraction Fun!

Today the Pyramids have been learning about Fractions in Numeracy!
We learnt that a fraction is sharing a single item equally.

We became Jewellery Designers!
Our necklaces had 20 beads 1/4 red, 1/4 blue, 1/4 yellow and 1/4 green.
‘I worked out that 5 is a 1/4 of 20! So I needed 5 of each colour bead’  Anna McC

We became Chefs and made pizzas with different toppings!


‘I would like 1/4 of ham and pineapple pizza!’ Matthew

Finally we created our own Fraction Sundaes!

‘My ice cream has 1/4 chocolate, 1/4 strawberry and 2/4 mint choc chip’!’ Sarah L

Solar Eclipse 20/3/15

We have been learning about the Solar Eclipse this week!
Today we actually got the chance to see it using our solar eclipse viewers!

Over 90% of the sun was covered by the moon!


Some of us even made our own and we were able to see the reflection of the eclipse!

‘The solar eclipse was so cool!’

‘I loved it!’ said Heather.

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Nico said ‘I made my solar eclipse viewer with a shoe box and tin foil. It worked!
It was fantastic!’

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Sarah thought watching the Solar Eclipse with her viewer was ‘so fun!’

The next Solar Eclipse isn’t till 2026! We will all be 18 years old!!


Robots Design Brief

P2.2 have been learning all about robots.
We were given a design brief and created our own!

First of all we had to plan what our robot would look like and what junk materials we could use to create it.
We also gave our robot a purpose: what they do in the world to help us.


Then we started creating it with junk modelling.
In the design brief it says the robot cannot be bigger than 60cm! So we used our maths skills to measure and cut it to size.

Next we used paper mâché to form the shape of our robot!
We liked it because it was very messy!


After that we painted our robots using silver, bronze and white.
Through out the whole process we kept looking back at our plan to make sure we were following it.

Finally we finished it off by adding eyes and a mouth.
We hope you like our final product!

Heather and Nico’s robot is called Shiny. Her job is to help the girls tidy up their room!

Matthew and Daniel’s robot is called Superdog. The robots job is to save people
just like a superhero!

Millie, Ella and Sarah’s robot is called Katie. She plays with us!

James and Reid’s robot is called JR. He is a footballer and is able to play any position!

Andrew and Eva’s robot is called Jack. He is a teacher and is so clever!


Happy Red Nose Day 2015!

Today we were raising money for Comic Relief!
We made our face and hair FUNNY FOR MONEY!
We managed to raise a total of £464.86!!!

Even the teachers got involved!

We designed our own red noses!


Millie even got the chance to paint Miss Gilleades face!!

‘It was sooo fun! I made Miss Gilleade look like a clown with a beard!’

There was lots more painting going on!
All the teacher’s in the school put their trust in one of the pupils
to paint their face Funny for Money!


Thanks to everyone who donated and helped us raise so much
money for Comic Relief!  Not only did we raise lots of money for Charity,
we had a great time doing it!

Thank you, From P2.2 x

Well Done P2

What a fantastic start to your Blog! The photos of you all dressed as your favourite characters are great.

I loved all the World Book Day activities, especially the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party!

Looking forward to reading your next post,

Miss Johnston

World Book Day 2015

Primary 2.2 had fun celebrating World Book Day. We dressed up as our favourite book characters.
Can you guess who everybody is?



We shared our favourite books as a class and read extracts from them.
Sarah was dressed up as Dorothy and showed us her favourite book ‘The Wizard of Oz’.
We had a variety of lots of different fantastic books!

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We read the story of Alice in Wonderland and created our own story endings.

We created hats and decorated delicious biscuits for the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party.

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We had a fantastic time at our Tea Party and Alice even came too!

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On Friday we finished our World Book Day celebrations by having a book swap with our class.
Once we had swapped our books we had some silent reading time to enjoy our new stories.




I hope you enjoyed learning about our World Book Day celebrations as much as we had taking part in it!


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