Mini Beast Hunt

On Tuesday a lady called Karen came to talk to us about mini beasts. We looked for mini beasts in the nursery back garden. I found a leopard slug! It was very fat and sticky!

I held the slug on my hand and it tickled!



Mini beasts!

This week in Primary Two we have found lots of different mini beasts in the playground when we have been playing at lunch! We have collected them and shown them to the class. We looked at the mini beasts closely with a magnifying glass and described what they looked like!

We found a wasp in Busy Town! It had a cut on it’s body and it had died because it is getting colder outside. I was sad when I found it.  Aman and Tia

I found three worms in Busy Town! Two were brown and one was little and yellow. They were very slimy! Josh

I found a spider in the playground when I was walking past the trees. I picked it from a tree and put it on a leaf. It was really small. It’s legs were skinny and it made a web on the trees! Harry


Primary Two!

Welcome to Primary Two!

For those of you who are not able to make “Meet the Teacher” here is a copy of the Power Point with all the information you will need for this year.

I look forward to meeting you all soon and if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.

Mrs Hughes


Curriculum Evening P2 2016



Transient Art

As part of our Forest Schools sessions, the boys and girls in Primary one worked in pairs to create some transient art of old and new toys. First we discussed the natural materials we would need and planned how we were going to make the toys. Then we went across to the park and split up into 2 groups. One group went to collect the materials while the other group created their art. We used sticks, stones, leaves and petals. Maya’s mum was a great helper and the boys and girls had a fabulous time!

Check out the creative transient art.

Sammy R and Tia – Bicycle

Samantha and Maddie – Doll

Harry and Sammy B – Pogo Stick

Yocheved and Miriam – Ball

Marnie  and Pippa – Jack in the Box

Ben and Muneeb – Robot


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Health Week

During health week primary one took part in many different activities. It was a very fun filled week! We had a karate session, mini kickers and a rugby session along with a talk on Road Safety and weightlifting.  Kaleb’s dad came in to talk about his experience running in different Marathons. We thoroughly enjoyed the different activities and learned a lot of new things.

I liked holding the trophies.  – Sammy R

My favourite activity was Rugby! – Pippa

It was fun when we played a real game during mini – kickers. – Josh

I liked it when my dad came in and told us the funny story about nearly running in to a cow! – Kaleb

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Term 2 learning!

This term Primary one have been busy learning lots of new things.    We had some exciting days like Purim where everyone dressed up and World Book day where the children brought in their favourite books to share. We read the story of Elmer and discussed how everyone is unique in their own way. We have come to an end of our transport topic which was nicely rounded up by a trip to the Riverside Museum. A big thank you to Pippa and Luca’s mum for helping out at the trip. The children thoroughly enjoyed this trip and wrote a recount afterwards.

Here are a few pictures to show all the exciting things going on in Primary one.

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We are all Problem Solvers!

We have started learning about Problem Solving in Primary One.

Sammy R says that problem  solving is when we have a tricky problem and we need to help find the answer.

Maddie thinks problem solving is when Miss Jagger is stuck with a situation and we have to help her find all the ways to answer it.

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In this problem we had a river in our classroom. The farmer had to get the bird and the fox and the corn across the  river without them eating each other.  – Ben

If you leave the bird with the corn it will eat it. The fox can eat the bird so we can’t leave them together. But we could leave the fox and the corn. – Zohar.

We used a strategy called acting out the situation to solve it. – Daniel.

Can you work out how to solve the problem?

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This was a problem for Noah and he was counting the animals by their legs. – Aman.

Can you work out how to solve the problem?

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I found this problem quite tricky  but we had fun acting it our with the animals – Muneeb

I like it. It’s fun to work together – Luca

I love problem solving – Pippa

Problem solving is brilliant. I am trying my best to improve at it – Samantha

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