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Squares 30.01.17

This week in Numeracy we have been learning about data handling.

We made our own table and bar graph on Favourite Pets and Favourite Programmes.

We used tally marks to record the Primary One and Primary Three answers.

It was a bit tricky- Daniel

I liked that we chose one pet or programme each- Jessica

Chanukah Party!

On Wednesday we had out Chanukah party! We all wore our party clothes to school all day. In the afternoon, we went to the hall with Primary One and Three. We danced to music and played corners, pass the parcel and musical statues.

We all had so much fun!

Sammy and Luca and David even one a prize!

It was very exciting- Harry

It was fantastic!- Samantha

My favourite part was pass the parcel! – Muneeb


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Pyjama Party!

As a result of wining all the pieces on our “Mr Potato Head” we decided to have a pyjama party to celebrate. Everyone brought in their jammies, including Mrs Hughes! We choose to watch “The secret Life of Pets” and we had a lovely snack.

It was such a nice afternoon and was so much fun!

Sammy R and Luca



Chanukah Show

This week Primary Two preformed their Chanukah show with Primary One and Nursery. The show was called “What the Candles Saw” and tells the story of Chanukah preparations from the view of a candle.

Everyone had worked so hard preparing for the show and all the rehearsing paid off as the show was a great success!


Well done everyone!


Mitzvah Day

For Mitzvah week Primary Two decided to help in the play ground.

We picked up the litter, helped clear away the fallen leaves and helped tidy away the playground toys.

We all enjoyed helping others!


Mini beasts!

This week in Primary Two we have found lots of different mini beasts in the playground when we have been playing at lunch! We have collected them and shown them to the class. We looked at the mini beasts closely with a magnifying glass and described what they looked like!

We found a wasp in Busy Town! It had a cut on it’s body and it had died because it is getting colder outside. I was sad when I found it.  Aman and Tia

I found three worms in Busy Town! Two were brown and one was little and yellow. They were very slimy! Josh

I found a spider in the playground when I was walking past the trees. I picked it from a tree and put it on a leaf. It was really small. It’s legs were skinny and it made a web on the trees! Harry