High School – HOMEWORK

For 10/01/18

Use the holidays to make sure you are up to date with everything.

1-WRITE +LEARN+REVISE all words and grammar from this blog in the small jotter

2-Listen to Israeli radio 5mn per day (GLZ.co.il for example. Click on triangle at very bottom)

3-Go through everything we’ve seen again: Matanot Ktanot song, GCSE reading past paper, novel Lashon Nakya, Exercise 1st group verbs…

4-Look at the test you started in class, we’ll finish it next time

GCSE 171215 – Assessment 1


For 13/12/17

1-WRITE +LEARN words and grammar from this blog in the small jotter (added just 4 WORDS this time)

2-REVISE FOR TEST next week (all grammar and all words. Learn in particular the verb LIRKOD – TO DANCE)

3-Lashon Nakiya novel. Record yourself reading it in English. You will then have the Hebrew text, the English translation (hereunder for those who left it in class), a recording in Hebrew (recorded in class), and a recording in English.

Lashon Nakiya-Translation

So you can now:

a-Listen in English and read in Hebrew

b-Listen in Hebrew and read in Hebrew

c-Listen in Hebrew and read in English

d-Listen in Hebrew and close your eyes

e-Read in Hebrew

And do it again in any order, until you understand almost everything when listening/reading


For 06/12/17

1-WRITE +LEARN words and grammar from this blog in the small jotter

2-listen to Israeli radio 20mn+ (GLZ.co.il for example. Click on triangle at very bottom)

3-read a library book

4-add Hebrew to your computer keyboard/Iphone

5-Learn 1st group verbs – do this exercise sheet on 1st group verbs

Exercise – 1st group verbs

6-Do the worksheet on Lashon Nakiya

We will correct 5 and 6 in class


For 29/11/17

1-WRITE +LEARN words and grammar from this blog in the small jotter

2-listen to Israeli radio 20mn+ (GLZ.co.il for example. Click on triangle at very bottom)


Listen/read it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMq1ser3gME

Answer questions in the worksheet  Matanot Ktanot

look at song translation http://hebrewsongs.com/?song=matanotktanot

4-read a library book of your choice

5-look again at the GCSE reading exercises we have done

6-Novel Lashon Nakiya – read all of it, even if you don’t understand. Translate  the first 6 lines (in exercise jotter).


For 22/11/17

1-write down words and grammar from the blog in small jotter

2-listen to Israeli radio for 20mn altogether (GLZ.co.il for example, click on triangle at the very bottom)

3-listen and read song: MATANOT KTANOT


4-read library book (or work on STEPS for beginners)

5-try to work more on reading GCSE past reading paper (not beginners). Link:  http://filestore.aqa.org.uk/subjects/AQA-46752-QP-JUN14.PDF