Primary 4 – RULES

22/11 –TO HAVE

There is no verb TO HAVE.

Instead we use the expression: ‘THERE IS’ [Yesh] to someone.


יש לי ספר [yesh li sefer] –) ‘there is to me a book’ meaning: I have a book.

יש לי [yesh li] I have
יש לך

יש לך

[yesh leHa] (m)

[yesh laH] (f)

You have (masc)

You have (fem)

יש לו

יש לה

[Yesh lo]

[Yesh la]

He has

She has

יש לנו [Yesh lanu] We have
יש לכם

יש לכן

[Yesh laHem] (m)

[Yesh laHen] (f)

You have (masc)

You have (fem)

יש להם

יש להן

[Yesh lahem]

[Yesh lahen]

They have (masc) They have (fem)

EYN means ‘there isn’t’. To express ‘doesn’t have’, replace [YESH] by [EYN] in all of the above.

29/08/17 TO BE:

There is no verb ‘to be’ in Hebrew in the present, so we can’t say AM ARE or IS. In English I need 3 words to say I AM HAPPY. In Hebrew it is just 2 words. There is no AM so we say I HAPPY – [ani sameaH] –


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