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How we celebrated Rosh Hashanah

“We had a Rosh Hashanah assembly in our school last Friday. We ate pomegranate in school and Primary Four made Challah. I read about the pomegranate to the whole school to explain that we eat this new fruit on Rosh Hashanah.  I went to my Grandma’s house on Monday norming and then I went to Maccabi to set up things for the celebrations.  My brother and father  prayed at Maccabi in the evening. I went to my Grandma’s for a family meal. We had apple and honey.  I heard the Shofar being blown at Maccabi. Rosh Hashanah is a special time of year. We get to have sweet things and you hear the Shofar.”



“When it was Rosh Hashanah I had family time with my Dad.  We went swimming and visited my Gran.  I don’t celebrate Rosh Hashanah but some of the people in my class do.  I still learn about it at school like about the Shofar and how they eat apple and honey and that it is the Jewish new year.  I like learning about the Jewish festivals because I learn new things and I got to try pomegranate. I like to know about how the other people in my class celebrate Rosh Hashanah.  It is fun to learn about.”


Fantastic knowledge from Saffi and Tabitha! :)


“We created a house out of paper and we also created a background with green and blue paint. We used blue for the sky and green for the grass.  We are going to add French words for windows, door and house. I don’t know those words yet but I’m going to learn them. If we have time we will add detail to the garden like trees or a bird bath.”



Circles Group

“We have been learning how to round to the nearest ten. If it’s 0,1,2,3,4 you round down and if its 5,6,7,8,9 you round up.”


Triangles Group

The children in the Triangles Group have been learning how to divide using their knowledge of the two and three multiplication tables.

Squares Group

The children in the Squares Group have been learning about pictographs and bar charts.


“We have been learning about herbivores, omnivores and carnivores.  A herbivore is an animal that eats plants. Omnivores are animals that eat other animals  as well as plants and their fruits and seeds. Carnivores are animals that only meat. We humans are at the top of the chart.  We were learning about predictors and pray like a fox and bunny. The fox is the predator and the bunny is the prey because a bunny wouldn’t eat a fox unless the world had gone mad!”

Saffi and Tabitha


We have all been learning about the spelling rule ‘ee’.

“Seeds, seen, been, meet, between, three, keen, green, feel, teenager are some words which have this rule.”

Saffi and Tabitha

Gracie and Dylan the authors




” We have been learning about cause and effect when reading our group books. Cause and effect is when something happens and then explaining how and why it happened.  Our group were reading the story ‘The Little Girl and the Bear’. The girl wanted to get back to her house but she was in the forest  and didn’t know how to get home.  She was lost!  She was warned by her Mum and Dad not to go too far but she did anyway. She pretended to the bear she was on the roof but really she was hiding in a basket.  The bear carried her home in the basket but he didn’t know she was hiding there. The cause was that the little girl was lost and she tricked the bear into taking her home.  The effect was that she got home safely in the end.”



“In Numeracy and Mathematics I have been learning about tally marks.  When you have four tally marks and then onto number five, you use number five to make a cross.  We even learnt about frequency tables.  You have to draw lines to make columns and rows.  You have to include words and numbers.  I am in the Squares group.”



“I have been learning about large numbers.  Numbers past one thousand.  We put the numbers into the columns; thousands, hundreds, tens and units.  It is a bit tricky but I’m doing well.”



The Triangles group continue to tackle some tricky division work!


“We went to see an author and he has written a couple of books.  You could buy the books that he actually wrote. He signed his autograph on it.  He drew us some cool pictures too on the book.  The author was called Dave. He writes the Squirrel Boy books.  They are funny.  We went to Edinburgh Book Festival.  We got to ask him questions.  Safi asked a question.  Primary Five and Primary Seven came too but they spoke to a different author.  It was a lot of fun. I think maybe I would like to be an author when I’m older (Dylan).  Everybody enjoyed the day, even Mr Fry!”

Dylan and Gracie


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Honey I Shrunk the Kids!!!

“We have been having a lot of fun during our writing lesson this week.  We watched a small clip of the film Honey I Shrunk the Kids and then Mr Fry gave us the title ‘The day I shrunk!’  We had to be the authors and make up our very own story about people who had been shrunk.  In my story, I went for a walk and I shrank when I stepped into quick sand.   I hope I get to share my story with the rest of the class.”

“In Numeracy and Maths, the Circle group have been learning about place value with thousands, hundreds, tens and units.  We are using big numbers.  I can now write big numbers.”

“In P.E. we have been learning new skills.  We have been learning balls skills like dribbling and some basketball skills.  It was tricky!”



“In Numeracy and Maths, the Triangles group have been learning about division.  Division is harder than the multiplication tables and adding but its a bit like multiplication.  You need to know your tables to be able to divide.  Its getting quite tricky and we are doing division calculations.   The Squares group have been learning about carol diagrams and tally marks.”


“In Science we have been learning about food chains.  People are at the top because they never get eaten (although they may be eaten by lions!).  Birds are second in the food chain and then insects.  We are going to learn more about food chains very soon.”


We are all Superheroes in P3!!!!

Primary 3 have been busy getting back into the swing of things since starting back last Wednesday.

During Art lessons this week, we have been creating our very own superheroes. We then used our superhero character and wrote about them going on an adventure in our Imaginative writing story.

We have been learning and revising our 2 and 3 times tables in Maths by singing different songs and keeping in time with the beat to help us remember them off by heart.

The circles group have been learning about how to locate Grid references during Maths lessons this week, whilst the Squares have been revising using the 2 and 3 times tables and the Stars have been learning all about Volume by estimating and measuring liquid.


Mr Fry, Harry and Hannah.