Primary 3 visit Giffnock Shul
On Monday, Primary 3 joined up with Primary 2 for a visit to Giffnock Shul by bus. We joined in with the service by singing songs and praying. After that we lit the Chanukiah in the middle of the Shul before singing ‘Sevivon’ and ‘Nerli’ to the other members of the congregation. We were then presented with sevivons by Rabbi Rubin before tucking into a well deserved doughnut and cold drink. It was then time to go back to school, so we boarded the bus and set off.
This week in Numeracy the circles have been learning about area. Mr Fry asked us to estimate the size of different areas, including; a ruler, maths jotter, TJ book and a duster. After predicting the area in cm2 we then calculated the actual area using cm2 cubes or by multiplying the length and the breadth. It turned out most of our predictions were correct and only one or two of them were a little off. We enjoyed carrying out our practical area tasks and look forward to doing more area work tomorrow.
by Dylan and Tabitha.