Learning with Mr Fry


In literacy we have been learning to join our letters and learning to write imaginative stories. We have been using adjectives to make our sentences more interesting.

We like finding new words in the thesaurus, and we like using our imagination to write stories. We become the boss of our story and make the story our way with no one telling us what to do.


The circles have been learning how to calculate division with remainders. The triangles have been learning fractions and revising our times tables. The squares have been learning upstairs-downstairs addition.

We like maths when we can play games, because it feels like we’re not working!


We have been learning about electricity, working in pairs to build a circuit. We have been using bulbs, buzzers and motors to show our circuits worked.


In P.E, we have been learning how to control the  ball, by using our feet and body to stop the ball before passing. The P7 class took us for P.E. We did basketball, gymnastics, balance and dance, it was very hard.


We have been learning animal names, parts of the face and family names in French.  It was very fun.


We have been working toward building an ark in technology. We have collected different materials that float. We liked doing the experiments because we got wet.

Alishba & Hamza