Primary 5’s Kabbalat Shabbat

Primary 5 celebrated their own Kabbalat Shabbat on Friday. Many of our families came to watch us and it was a lovely afternoon. Since Tabitha was unable to make it on Friday, Lila Samuels stood in as a wonderful Ima, helping Zac, who was Aba, lead the family (Aisha and Arjun) and the class in a lovely celebration. Since we collected Tzedaka as a class, we decided that we would donate this money to Marie Curie Cancer Research. We chose this charity since we are also throwing a Daffodil Tea and we thought we could collect all the money together and help make a real difference. We all researched a little bit about the charity and all the things that it does and we read these out as part of our Kabbalat Shabbat celebration.